Helicopter Training Videos is a volunteer project which relies on community support to pay the bills and create more content.
We have plans for many new videos, articles, reference sheets and more (podcast…) but we need financial support to make that happen (it is a fulltime, unpaid job). So if you find Helicopter Training Video’s content useful and you want to see more, please consider helping financially with the following options:
- Donate via PayPal (one-time or monthly).
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- Buy books from our list and check out our store – Amazon will give helicopter training videos a small commission at no extra cost to you.
- Buy RPM Logo branded clothing and other merchandize which will give helicopter training videos a small commission at no extra cost to you.
If you are unable to financially support Helicopter Training Videos, please consider helping us spread the word by sharing HTV with others in your social media circles and subscribing our content on these social media platforms:
Subscribe to our YouTube channel (www.youtube.com/helitrainingvids)
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Thank you for any support you can provide to help keep this project going!
Jay (Owner/Creator of Helicopter Training Videos)