UPDATE 9/1/24
The FAA has released an updated Airmen Knowledge Testing Matrix that includes details of the changes – see image below:

As of 9/1/2024, those wishing to take the FOI (Fundamentals of Instruction) Knowledge Test (‘The Written’) will now be required to present an authorized instructor endorsement to take the test.

PSI (one of the main testing companies for FAA knowledge test) recently sent out the following email to test centers:
During a recent review of the regulations associated with the Fundamentals of Instructing (FOI) test, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) determined that applicants are required to present an endorsement from an authorized instructor or a certificate of graduation from a part 141 school as authorization for their first attempt.
Currently, the FAA’s Matrix states that no authorization is required for an initial attempt of the FOI (page 10). The FAA has notified PSI that an updated test Matrix will be published to reflect that applicants must present an endorsement for an initial attempt of the FOI effective 9/1/2024.
Applicants scheduled to take the FOI on or after 9/1/2024 will be notified via email that they must bring an endorsement in order to take their test. The proctoring TCA is responsible for reviewing and scanning the endorsement, and must turn the applicant away from testing if they are not able to meet the endorsement requirement. As a reminder, allowing an applicant to proceed with testing without meeting the FAA’s identification or authorization requirements may result in revocation of proctoring privileges.
Although prior to 9/1/2024 applicants do not require the endorsement to take the test, the endorsement is already being issued per § 61.183(d), § 61.185 and AC 61.65. So the applicant just needs to remember to take it to the test center and PSI will be sending out a reminder of the changes for those applicants.

As for why the change? Maybe it was an oversight in the first place, but then why is a CFI or CFII test still not requiring an endorsement? If you have to have an endorsement to say you have done the training and are prepared for the CFI & CFII test, why would they not also require to be presented at the test center? Let me know in the comments below.

DISCLAIMER – make sure you are fully informed on the latest regulations and their application.
For official guidance on laws and regulations, refer to your Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) or local Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) . Helicopter Training Videos aims to promote aviation knowledge and safety but makes no guarantees regarding accuracy or legal applications.
Thanks for this important Endorsement “NOTAM”. As of today (8/22) still no FAA test matrix update!
There is no reason for the FAA to delay or withhold posting this information now. Many CFI candidates take their knowledge tests before signing up with a flight instructor or a flight school. Even if they get a “notice” when they register with PSI, they may not allow enough time to meet with an authorized instructor to get the endorsement —delaying them from taking the test or worse yet, arriving without an endorsement due to test matrix confusion.
Thank you for the comment Dorothy.
Luckily the matrix is now updated (effective today 9/1/24) and covers the changes. I don’t know when they published the update but it was mentioned in the August ACS community advisory https://www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/community_advisory_august_2024.pdf