Helicopter Flight Maneuvers

This category covers Helicopter Flight Maneuvers at the Private and Commercial level with a few extras at the end. The videos below are unedited footage from inside the cockpit during these maneuvers. These are temporary videos that I produced for a presentation to aviation students at COCC. I have put them here as a reference for those students. In time these videos will be replaced by more comprehensive instructional videos with key points, common errors and the ACS requirements, but in the meantime, I hope you find these useful.

The full list of flight maneuvers covered by the FAA Private and Commercial Airman Certification Standards (ACS):

Pickup & Set-Down



Hover Height± 1/2 recommended hover. So 3’ hover = 1.5’ to 4.5’± 1/2 recommended hover . So 3’ hover = 1.5’ to 4.5’
Lateral PositionWithin 4’ of target
And no aft movement
Within 2’ of target
And no aft movement
Heading±10° but avoids conditions that might lead to LTE±10° but avoids conditions that might lead to LTE

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Maintain Heading±10°±5°
  • Selects a suitable slope, approach, and direction considering wind effect, obstacles, dynamic rollover avoidance, and discharging passengers
  • Makes smooth positive descent to touch the upslope skid on the sloping surface
  • Maintains positive control while lowering the downslope skid or landing gear to touchdown
  • Recognizes if slope is too steep and abandons the operation prior to reaching cyclic control stops

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Hover Taxi

Hover Height± 1/2 recommended hover. So 3’ hover = 1.5’ to 4.5’± 1/2 recommended hover . So 3’ hover = 1.5’ to 4.5’
Lateral PositionWithin 4’ of ground trackWithin 2’ of ground track
Pedal Turn Position
Within 4’ of pivot pointWithin 2’ of pivot point
Pedal Turn Heading
360° turn left & right, stopping within ±10°90°, 180° & 360° turns, stopping within ±10°

  • Demonstrating forward, sideward, and rearward hovering and hovering turns.
  • Maintains constant rate of turn at pivot points.

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Air Taxi

  • Air taxies the helicopter from one point to another under headwind and crosswind conditions
  • Selects a safe airspeed and altitude
  • Maintains desired track and groundspeed in headwind and crosswind conditions, avoiding conditions that might lead to LTE

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Normal Takeoff


Climb Airspeed±10 knots±5 knots

  • Knowledge of factors affecting performance, to include height/velocity information
  • Establishes stabilized hover, prior to takeoff in headwind and crosswind conditions
  • Maintains proper ground track with crosswind correction, as necessary
  • Remains aware of the possibility of wind shear and/or wake turbulence

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Normal Approach


Over touchdown point±4’±2’

  • Knowledge of performance, to include height/velocity information
  • Considers the wind conditions, landing surface, and obstacles
  • Selects a suitable touchdown point
  • Establishes and maintains the normal approach angle, and proper rate of closure
  • Remains aware of the possibility of wind shear and/or wake turbulence
  • Maintains proper ground track with crosswind correction, as necessary
  • Avoids situations that may result in settling-with-power

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Max Performance

Airspeed±5 knots±5 knots

  • Considers situations where this maneuver is recommended and factors related to takeoff and climb performance, to include height/velocity information
  • Utilizes proper control technique to initiate takeoff and forward climb airspeed attitude
  • Utilizes the maximum available takeoff power
  • After clearing all obstacles, transitions to normal climb attitude, airspeed and power setting
  • Remains aware of the possibility of wind shear and/or wake turbulence
  • Maintains proper ground track with crosswind correction, as necessary

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Steep Approach


Over touchdown point±4'±2'
Approach angle15° max15° max

  • Considers situations where this maneuver is recommended and factors related to a steep approach, to include height/velocity information
  • Considers the wind conditions, landing surface, and obstacles
  • Selects a suitable termination point
  • Establishes and maintains a steep approach angle, (15° maximum) and proper rate of closure
  • Avoids situations that can result in settling-with-power
  • Remains aware of the possibility of wind shear and/or wake turbulence
  • Maintains proper ground track with crosswind correction, if necessary

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Running Landing

  • Knowledge of the purpose of the maneuver, factors affecting performance data, to include height/velocity information, and effect of landing surface texture
  • Considers obstacles and other hazards
  • Establishes and maintains the recommended approach angle and proper rate of closure.
  • Remains aware of the possibility of wind shear and/or wake turbulence
  • Maintains proper ground track with crosswind correction, if necessary
  • Maintains a speed that will take advantage of effective translational lift during surface contact with landing gear parallel with the ground track
  • Utilizes proper flight control technique after surface

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Normal Climb Airspeed±10 knots±5 knots

  • Knowledge of the elements related to a go-around and when it is necessary
  • Makes a timely decision to discontinue the approach to landing
  • Establishes proper control input to stop descent and initiate climb
  • Maintains proper ground track with crosswind correction, if necessary

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Traffic Patterns

Airspeed±10 knots±10 knots

  • Knowledge of procedures at airports and heliports with and without operating control towers, prevention of runway incursions, collision avoidance, wake turbulence avoidance, and wind shear
  • Complies with proper traffic pattern procedures
  • Maintains proper spacing from other traffic or avoids the flow of fixed wing aircraft
  • Corrects for wind drift to maintain proper ground track
  • Maintains orientation with runway/landing area in use

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Rapid Deceleration (Quick Stop)

Maintain Heading±10°±5°
  • Properly coordinates all controls throughout the execution of the maneuver
  • Maintains an altitude that will permit safe clearance between the tail boom and the surface
  • Decelerates and terminates in a stationary hover at the recommended hovering altitude.

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Straight-in Autorotation


Rotor RPM (R22/R44)90-110%90-110%
Airspeed±10 knots±5 knots
Hover over target±200'±100'

  • Selects a suitable touchdown area
  • Initiates the maneuver at the proper point
  • Establishes proper aircraft trim and autorotation airspeed
  • Maintains rotor RPM within normal limits
  • Compensates for windspeed and direction as necessary to avoid undershooting or overshooting the selected landing area
  • Utilizes proper deceleration, collective pitch application to a hover

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180 Autorotation


Rotor RPM (R22/R44)90-110%90-110%
Normal Climb Airspeed±10 knots±5 knots
Hover over target±200'±100'

  • All turns must be complete by 300′ AGL
  • Selects a suitable touchdown area
  • Initiates the maneuver at the proper point
  • Establishes proper aircraft trim and autorotation airspeed
  • Maintains rotor RPM within normal limits
  • Compensates for windspeed and direction as necessary to avoid undershooting or overshooting the selected landing area
  • Utilizes proper deceleration, collective pitch application to a hover

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Power Failure at Hover (Hover Auto)


Lateral Movementminimum sideward, no rearwardminimum sideward, no rearward

  • Determines that the terrain below the aircraft is suitable for a safe touchdown
  • Performs autorotation from a stationary or forward hover into the wind at recommended altitude, and RPM, while maintaining established heading
  • Touches down with minimum sideward movement, and no rearward movement
  • Exhibits orientation, division of attention, and proper planning

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Power Failure at Altitude


Rotor RPM (R22/R44)90-110%90-110%
Airspeed±10 knots±5 knots

  • Establishes an autorotation and selects a suitable landing area
  • Establishes proper aircraft trim and autorotation airspeed
  • Maintains rotor RPM within normal limits
  • Compensates for windspeed and direction as necessary to avoid undershooting or overshooting the selected landing area
  • Terminates approach with a power recovery at a safe altitude when directed by the examiner

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System/Equipment Failure

Analyzes the situation and takes action in at least three of the following areas—

  • Engine, oil & fuel
  • Hydraulics, if applicable
  • Electrical
  • Carburetor or induction icing
  • Smoke and/or fire
  • Flight control/trim
  • Pitot static/vacuum & associated instruments
  • Rotor and/or antitorque
  • Vibrations
  • Other emergency unique to the helicopter flown

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Vortex Ring State (Previously Settling-With-Power)


Select altitude to allow recovery by1,000’ AGL1,000’ AGL

  • Selects an altitude that will allow recovery to be completed no less than 1,000 feet AGL or, if applicable, the manufacturer’s recommended altitude, whichever is higher
  • Promptly recognizes and announces the onset of settling-with-power
  • Utilizes the appropriate recovery procedure

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Low Rotor RPM Recovery

  • Knowledge of low rotor RPM recovery and the combination of conditions that are likely to lead to this situation
  • Detects the development of low rotor RPM and initiates prompt corrective action
  • Utilizes the appropriate recovery procedure

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Confined Area

  • Establishes Accomplishes a proper high and low reconnaissance
  • Selects a suitable approach path, termination point, and departure path
  • Tracks the selected approach path at an acceptable approach angle and rate of closure to the termination point
  • Avoids situations that can result in settling-with-power
  • Terminates at a hover or on the surface, as conditions allow
  • Accomplishes a proper ground reconnaissance
  • Selects a suitable takeoff point, considers factors affecting takeoff and climb performance under various conditions

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  • Establishes Accomplishes a proper high and low reconnaissance
  • Selects a suitable approach path, termination point, and departure path
  • Tracks the selected approach path at an acceptable approach angle and rate of closure to the termination point
  • Avoids situations that can result in settling-with-power
  • Terminates at a hover or on the surface, as conditions allow
  • Accomplishes a proper ground reconnaissance
  • Selects a suitable takeoff point, considers factors affecting takeoff and climb performance under various conditions

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Zero-Speed Autorotation with 360 degree turn

  • This maneuver itself is not required for Private or Commercial ratings, but maybe considered for ‘Enhanced training in autorotation procedures’ under SFAR 73, especially for a CFI SFAR 73 checkride.
  • Otherwise it is good training to help a student become more confident and accomplished in autorotations generally and serves a real world purpose for possible engine failure in an out of ground effect hover over an confined area.

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