The focus of HTV is mainly Helicopter Training Videos and they have been divided into the following lesson categories:
Click on any of the categories below to see the lesson videos in each:
Helicopter Aerodynamics
This section will cover Helicopter Aerodynamics from the basics of "What is an Airfoil ?" all the way up to the changing aerodynamics of autorotations. Most of the topics covered apply to all helicopters, but with extra emphasis on the Robinson R22 and...
Helicopter Performance Limitations
This category will cover Helicopter Performance Limitations, such as Weight and Balance, power limits, hover ceilings, with an emphasis the Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters.
Current Lessons
Future Topics In Ground Effect hover ceilings (IGE)
Helicopter Regulations
This category will cover FAA Helicopter Regulations that apply to helicopter pilots in the United States. The emphasis will be on regulations that apply to Pre-Solo, Private Pilots and Robinson R22/R44 Pilots.
Current Lessons
Future Topics Part...
Helicopter Systems
This category will cover Helicopter Systems from flight controls, rotor types, engines, etc. The emphasis will be on systems that apply to Pre-Solo and Private Pilots in the Robinson R22 and R44 helicopters.
Current Lessons
Future Topics Drivetrain...
Helicopter Flight Maneuvers
This category covers Helicopter Flight Maneuvers at the Private and Commercial level with a few extras at the end. The videos below are unedited footage from inside the cockpit during these maneuvers. These are temporary videos that I produced...
Helicopter Flight Training
This category is a series of complete, unedited helicopter training flights, filmed from inside the cockpit with full audio, including radios. Follow along with the student's flight training and progress as he works towards his Private Pilot checkride....
Full List of Lessons
- Helicopter Aerodynamics
- Helicopter Performance Limitations
- Helicopter Regulations
- Helicopter Systems
- Helicopter Flight Maneuvers
- Helicopter Flight Training
Please give us feedback and tell us what else you would like covered